Tuesday Update!

Its tuesday again and we all know what that means right?!  Progress Pics!  They keep me motivated by being able to see the minute changes that occur that I dont normally see.

Weight is still 184 so like I said earlier I’ve stopped paying attention to the scale.  And since I’ve stopped paying attention to it my focus on my nutrition plan has actually gone up since I’m not fretting over every single fluctuation in that damned scale.

Today was legs day and I’m pretty well worn out.  No matter how many times I do it legs day is always the hardest day of lifting, its also the shortest for good reason.  I used to have deadlifts on legs day but after almost passing out a few times I decided to move them to backs day. 

Oh and if I’ve run into you at the gym and I seem to be unfriendly I appologize.  While I’m working out I adopt a “Leave me alone” face because to be honest I go to the gym to work not socalize.  I see a good amount of people that just spend an hour or so chatting away, or doing a set and then flirting with whatever girl (or guy, yes girls do it too) they have their eyes on.  I don’t try to be the elitist jerk of the gym, but those two things get on my nerves.  Rant over.

I’m still feeling good about my carb-cycling schedule I’ve got going on and it seems like I’ll hit my goal of 8% body fat sometime mid july.  I don’t really have a reliable scale for bodyfat since I’m not very good with my calipers, I keep meaning to call the university about that hydro one.  Mid july is my target because this twice a day cardio is whooping the hell out of me and I’m looking forward to not doing it anymore 😉

~ by divito9 on June 9, 2009.

6 Responses to “Tuesday Update!”

  1. I think it would be interesting to see a static page devoted to just your progress pictures… in order from oldest to newest… see the progress develope before your very eyes.

    Just a thought 😉

    • I actually have a page I’ve been working on to do that. I just haven’t gotten around to it, its a good idea though and I agree with it 🙂

  2. Over at “Who Ate My Blog” (original link courtesy of you, actually), Stephen is doing something like that, very interesting to get that visual feedback.

    Been pondering maybe doing something of the same… we’ll see 😉

  3. May I say that if I looked that great I’d be posting pictures everyday 🙂 The progress your making is outstanding. The program that your’re doing is obviously working real well for you. Have you done a post about carb-cycling and what that is all about?

    • Thanks for the compliment 🙂 No I haven’t done a post about it yet, but I’ve gotten a few tweets and emails asking about it so I think I’ll rastle one up here within the next week or so.

  4. Wow dude, you are doing awesome! Congrats on your success.

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